Case Study

Providing the business analysis resource to support an RFP process and the ensuing discovery phase

An IFA Network with over 800 members wanted to replace their legacy in-house built internal systems with a package solution. In order to support this, we held workshops with all areas of the business to understand and document their existing processes using the BPMN methodology.

User stories with acceptance criteria were then written using the behavioural driven development (BDD) syntax and cross-referenced to the business processes to ensure there were no gaps.

Non-functional requirements were also captured.

This output, signed off by the business, was then included as part of the RFP document sent to potential suppliers.  A number of workshops were then held with each of the suppliers giving them an opportunity to present how the user stories would be met using their system and identify where gaps existed.

Each supplier then produced an RFP response document formally documenting how each requirement would be met.

Based on the workshops and the formal response documents each supplier was scored and a discovery phase was initiated with the chosen provider.

For the discovery phase, those user stories that were business-critical and presented the most development risk were identified and used to determine the scope of a proof of concept.

The development of the proof of concept running over an 8 week period was split into two 4 week sprints, with daily stand-ups and separate elaboration sessions held. This enabled the team to understand the capabilities of the solution provider's internal team and de-risk the selection of the provider and their software package.